Architectural Illustration

Architectural Illustration

Advertising & Publishing

Advertising & Publishing

Cartoons & Caricatures

Cartoons & Caricatures

Line Drawing

Line Drawing

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Marine Illustration

Marine Illustration

Animal Illustration

Animal Illustration

Stone Carving

Stone Carving

Case Studies


Architectural Illustration


[flickr id=”5866271604″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”] Project case study: Full colour aerial perspective of proposed house at Highwood Hill, London.

McGuire Architects. (Project handled via e-mail)

to produce illustration, displaying house with gardens (birds eye view) showing house, basement entrance, Italian garden with rill, lawns and boarders. Supplied Elevations, Floor plans, site plans and basic landscape drawings – no CAD drawings produced to aid construction of perspective layout. Steve was also required to input design of colour and tone in hard and soft landscaping. Illustration was produced on time with no corrections and amendments.



Graphic Design


[flickr id=”5866538519″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”] Project case study:


Client: Suffolk Trucks Ltd ( West Holdings Ltd.)


Brief: Corporate Identity. Suffolk Trucks Limited are main dealers for MAN trucks based in Ipswich. Logo design incorporating a Suffolk Punch horse, representing strength and reliability, county association and in the style of the MAN trucks ‘Lion in a box’ logo. Corporate colours of black and yellow taken through stationary and signage.






Illustration for Advertising and Publishing


[flickr id=”5866553965″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”] Project case study: Client; Essex & Suffolk Water (via. Ad. Agency)


Brief: Full colour leaflet for school children promoting a fun way to save water in the home and also educating parents.


Strip cartoon illustration with hand lettered description boxes. Drawn and painted to scale down to A4 leaflet size. Supplied pencil trace prior to completion of artwork.